2023 Washington State Laws and Regulations for Land Surveyors (PDF)


This book is a must have for those taking the Washington State specific portion of the Professional Land Surveyor examination or for professionals looking for a convenient reference manual for all Revised Code of Washington (RCW) laws, and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) regulations as listed by the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (BRPELS) as pertaining to Land Surveyors.

All codes include helpful hyperlinks to the official online version of both the WAC and RCW.

This is a digital product only. No hard copies will be provided.

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WAC regulations are added, removed, and revised throughout the year and the online version of the WAC is updated twice a month. RCW laws are added, removed, and revised throughout the year and the online version of the RCW is updated twice a year, once in fall after the legislative session and again at the end of the year if a ballot measure that changes the law is passed at the general election. This manual is, in essence, a saved state of the current laws and regulations at the end of 2022 and should be used at your own risk. The purpose of this manual is to help find relevant laws, however it is recommended to verify all laws are still current, before relying upon for anything critical. Note: On the digital versions of this manual, the hyperlinks will no longer work if the state changes the web location for each law or regulation.

The official version of the WAC and RCW can be found at: https://leg.wa.gov/LawsAndAgencyRules/Pages/default.aspx

©Copyrights for both codes is held by the Washington State Statute Law Committee.